Robo-planning is a new category in the FinTech world that delivers affordable, unbiased financial plans. A series of questions and modules, as well using machine learning technology called 'Optical Character Recognition' are used to take handwritten financial documents and convert them into computer readable text. An API Engine can then read the data and translate it into a flawless financial plan that will be sent back to the user in addition to what they share about their situation and goals.
This technology eliminates days of labor that traditional planning requires. Bringing the cost of the service down from anywhere in the $3,000 to $8,000 range to an attainable one-time fee of $700 without sacrificing quality and delivering the plan in a timely matter.
Context of Challenge
We're looking for a partner in the machine learning, chat bot or specifically the robo-planning space (if available). Applicants will also be considered upon the ability for their startup technology to be adapted into a custom solution for financial planning based on our data and input.
Why Apply
Selected applicants will be provided with a light partnership contract and compensation. Additional opportunities will exist for mentorship, industry connections and insights. Later-stage opportunities include larger contracts based on success metrics and investment participation.
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